Welcome to the Official Site for the AANC (Athens Area Newcomers Club). Here you will be able to
view the current and prior newsletters, see pictures from the latest events, and stay informed of our activities.
Our Mission
- During the past
fifty years, AANC Programs have been presented with the intention of giving members insight into the varied opportunities
of living in Athens-Clark County and Oconee County.
During the programs each month, new residents:
- hear about the
history, character, and future possibilities for this region of North Georgia,
- learn about some
of the achievements and interests of some of our noteworthy community members,
- are informed
about upcoming area events, and about other civic, educational, and social groups,
- and , most of
all, are welcomed and encouraged to share ideas and background stories with the group.
AANC Mailing Address:
150 Peachtree Lane
Athens, GA 30607
Becoming a Member
A.A.N.C. meets the second Thursday morning of each month at 9:30 AM at the new facilities of the
Central Presbyterian Church 380 Alps Road, Athens, near the Beechwood Shopping Center. Meetings in the Summer begin at 10
AM. Please come by and join us for a meeting and determine whether this organization meets your needs.
dues are $20.00 per person and are payable by or at the first general meeting in September. Dues for new
members only joining after the first of January are $10.00 .
Reminder: You must pay your
annual dues by October 1 to participate in the Special Interest Groups and receive the annual updated membership directory!
your check made out to AANC and your membership form to:
Sharon Bauer, Membership, AANC 150 Peachtree Lane
Athens, GA 30607
Click here to download Membership Form