Dining Out
Contact Anita Dean at ahhweber@gmail.com to be included on the email distribution for these outings to wonderful Athens
area restaurants. They can also be reached at (706) 850-0114.
ABC Book Club Contact Jackie Forsythe at (e-mail). The Club meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month
at 12 Noon. Location to be announced per e-mail. Jackie can also be reached at 706-354-6475 or jackief98@bellsouth.net.
Stitch and Chat
If you like to stitch or chat or both, join us
at 9:30 AM on the 4th Friday of the month at the Lyndon House. Contact with any questions.
Second Book Club
This book club meets on the 1st. Monday
of the month from 10:30 - 12 Noon at Panera Bread on the Atlanta Highway.
Call Donna Solberg.
Not So Gourmet
This is a group of 10 couples who meet to enjoy a meal
together once a month. Contact Elizabeth DePaolo at (706) 365-6263 about vacancies or starting a new group.
Lunch Bunch
After the monthly regular business
meeting everyone is invited to go to lunch at a local restaurant! Please contact
Sharon Bauer - 706-543-8524 about the next location or sign up at the meeting.