Athens Area Newcomers Club Fall 2016
In Between Meeting Announcements:
Standing Committees: Programs - Barbara Dean and Patty Lutz Hospitality - Changes Monthly Newsletter- Rita Macko Publicity - Barbara Dean Telephone - Sharon Bauer Membership Directory - Sharon Bauer Lunch Bunch - Sharon Bauer Community Involvement - Frances Lang Just a Reminder! Dues are $20 annually and should be paid by September 1st each year.
Standing Committees:
Programs - Barbara Dean and Patty Lutz
Hospitality - Changes Monthly
Newsletter- Rita Macko
Publicity - Barbara Dean
Telephone - Sharon Bauer
Membership Directory - Sharon Bauer
Lunch Bunch - Sharon Bauer
Community Involvement - Frances Lang
Just a Reminder!
Dues are $20 annually and should be paid by September 1st each year.
Questions or comments? Get in touch with the AANC Webmaster: Rita Macko - 706-548-2914